
Project Based Learning Implementation Rumpin Goras, third stage – Tata

In the third stage of PBL, children extract their entire learning experience, reflect on their proven evidence, and organize their understanding.

This is done through a Q&A activity between the facilitator and the children. The teacher’s questions trigger children to see the relationship between what has been understood previously (in the first stage) and what has been proven in the second stage.

In simple language, the facilitator asks: Is it easy to catch fish in Goras Village? Why does it take a relatively long time to get fish? Is the sea as the “fish’s house” in Goras Village in clean condition? What are the main characteristics of fresh fish? How does it feel to enjoy eating fish cooked today?

The children seemed very enthusiastic in giving answers and they could complement each other. This illustrates how children really understand what is being asked and what the problem is; because it relates to what is done directly. Children learn to express opinions based on what has been directly proven.

The facilitator closed the meeting by emphasizing the importance of all children to keep the sea clean as a healthy environment for fish so that it is easier to get fish and enjoy freshly cooked fish with a variety of spices available in Goras Village.

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