Program Socialization and Basic Skills Training for Literacy Program Planning and Budgeting for local targeted governments in Kaimana District held on 9-12 August 2022.
This training was organized by Yayasan Nusantara Sejati in collaboration with the Kaimana Regional Government and UNICEF.
The activity was attended by Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), including the Education Office; Public health Office; the Office for the Empowerment of Children and Women; Village Community Empowerment Service; Library Service; DPRD – Education Sector, BAPPEDA, and Regional Secretary.
The materials presented in this activity were about school preparation for Kurikulum Merdeka, the education condition especially literacy in Kaimana District, good practice of reading and writing replications in Papua, and regional education planning & budgeting for education programs using OTSUS funds.
Attending as resource persons were Mr. Tuning Supriyadi – Head of the Guru Penggerak Teacher Center for the province of West Papua, Mr. Samuel Kareth – UNICEF Consultant, Ms. Deassy Tetelepta – Head of Human and Community Development of Bappeda West Papua Province, and Ms. Sisyelin Bawekes – YNS Program Manager.