Opening Meeting for the Implementation of the 2023-2024 Program Review in Guwosari Village, Sriharjo Village, and Bantul Regency

On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, the Nusantara Sejati Foundation, in collaboration with Admawidya Alterasi Indonesia, the Regional Development Planning Agency of Bantul Regency (Bappeda), and the Village Government, along with the Village Consultative Council (Bamuskal or BPD) of Guwosari and Sriharjo, organized the opening meeting for the implementation of the Program Review in Guwosari Village, Sriharjo Village (at the village level), and Bantul Regency (at the regency level) for the year 2023-2024.

Program Review is a community-based development evaluation method that is open and involves various stakeholders. The implementation of Program Review in Indonesia is a collaborative project between the Japan Initiative and the Nusantara Sejati Foundation, with support from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In Japan, Program Review has been implemented since 2002 by 145 local governments. In Indonesia, Program Review was piloted and implemented at the village level in Guwosari and Sriharjo in 2022 and 2023, as well as at the city/regency level in Bantul Regency and Surabaya City in 2023.

The implementation of Program Review is expected to promote the concept of open governance and enhance community participation in evaluating government development activities in Indonesia, both at the village and city/regency levels.

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