Yayasan Nusantara Sejati (YNS) has conducted a literacy training for 51 Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers from Yahukimo and Paniai Regencies. The training took place from June 29th to July 1st, 2023, in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, in collaboration with SERAFIM Papua Foundation. YNS was responsible for training the ECE teachers in early literacy with a balanced approach of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The training was successful, with enthusiastic and active participation from the teachers in response to the materials presented. During the training, the teachers were introduced to seven out of nine components of literacy. They also engaged in practical simulations based on the training materials received. It is expected that this training will have a positive impact on improving the literacy skills of children in the region.
The literacy training organized by Yayasan Nusantara Sejati (YNS) is an important effort to enhance the quality of education in Yahukimo and Paniai Regencies. By training 51 ECE teachers using a balanced approach, YNS aims to strengthen the early reading and writing abilities of children. The high level of participation and positive response from the training participants reflects their enthusiasm in developing their literacy skills. It is hoped that this improvement in literacy will have a positive impact on fostering reading interest and language proficiency in children, providing better opportunities for their future.
The collaboration between Yayasan Nusantara Sejati (YNS) and SERAFIM Papua Foundation in conducting the literacy training for ECE teachers in Yahukimo and Paniai Regencies is a remarkable step. The successful and timely training has provided a positive boost in efforts to elevate the educational standards in the region. By introducing seven out of nine components of literacy, the ECE teachers have been equipped with powerful tools to support the development of reading and writing skills in their students. The hope is that these efforts will have long-term effects in advancing the literacy levels of children in the area and creating better prospects for their future.