On March 15, 2023, the Nusantara Sejati Foundation (YNS) visited Atamali State Elementary School in Khameyakha Village, Ebungfauw District, Jayapura Regency. The school is a “branch school” or a distant class from SDN Inpres Khameyakha, consisting of three classes (grades 1, 2, and 3) taught by one teacher, Mrs. Maria Kabei. The number of students in the school is around 13.
Mrs. Maria is the only teacher at Atamali State Elementary School and also a Sunday school teacher. She enjoys teaching children and easily interacts with her students, reading storybooks and singing with the children. Mrs. Maria was delighted to receive a visit from YNS and hopes to receive more attention, including from the Department of Education.
However, Mrs. Maria faces significant challenges. She lives in Komba Sentani and has to cross the lake using a passenger boat, with a round-trip cost of Rp30,000, and a motorcycle taxi rental of Rp40,000 round-trip from her house to the port. The total transportation cost she has to bear per day reaches Rp70,000.
According to Mrs. Maria, she still works as an honor teacher with very low income. The high transportation cost and low income often make her unable to attend school and rarely participate in YNS activities. She even has to sell goods in a kiosk to earn extra income. Mrs. Maria hopes that the Department of Education can find a solution regarding her salary and status as a teacher. It is hoped that a solution can be found to help Mrs. Maria and other teachers who are experiencing similar difficulties to teach with peace of mind and earn a decent income.