Chili Plant Cultivation Activity with Homeroom Teachers and Students of Melam Hilli Elementary School

On April 15, 2023, Melam Hilli Elementary School held a chili plant cultivation activity involving homeroom teachers and students. This activity is part of a program mandated by the Acting Regent (Pj.) of Jayapura through the Department of Education. The objective of this activity is to encourage schools to utilize the school garden as an […]
Learning activities for the YNS-assisted Rumpin (Smart House) children in Babo Village, Kab. Teluk Bintuni, West Papua

On September 21, 2022, the children of Rumpin (Rumah Pintar) carried out learning activities to color pictures in a new and interesting way. Usually the children color the pictures with colored markers or pencils. In this activity, the children color their drawing paper in different ways. They use a number of natural colored materials found […]
Visiting SDN Doyo Baru and SDN Melam Hili, Sentani, Jayapura Regency

On Thursday, September 15, 2022, our YNS team visited SDN Doyo Baru and SDN Melam Hili, Sentani, Jayapura Regency. This visit was also accompanied by the Principal of the Wamena Islamic Elementary School to see the implementation of the Literacy Program in both schools. In this activity, students had high learning motivation. They looked cheerful, […]
SD Inpres Kensio School Committee Formation for the 2022-2027 Period

This activity was held on September 9, 2022 at SD Inpres Kensio, Jayapura Regency, Papua. The selection of school committee administrators accompanied by Yayasan Nusantara Sejati’s facilitator, Erens Pulalo, went smoothly. Through voting, Mr. Penehas Sokoy as the incumbent committee has been re-elected.
Project Based Learning Implementation Rumpin Goras, fourth stage – Tutur

In the fourth stage of PBL, children openly reflect their understanding to their facilitator, peers, and parents through the activities of drawing, coloring, sticking, and verbally telling the meaning of their work. Although some children are still shy and not yet confident in telling their work, children have started to learn to communicate their ideas […]
Project Based Learning Implementation Rumpin Goras, third stage – Tata

In the third stage of PBL, children extract their entire learning experience, reflect on their proven evidence, and organize their understanding. This is done through a Q&A activity between the facilitator and the children. The teacher’s questions trigger children to see the relationship between what has been understood previously (in the first stage) and what […]
Implementation of Project Based Learning (PBL) Rumpin Goras, Second Stage – Teliti (Examine)

Still on the same day, July 16, 2022, Rumpin Bumentasi continued the PBL Learning on Fish and the Goras Village Community Phase II – Teliti (Examine). At this stage, the children together with the facilitator carried out several activities to further investigate the presence of fish in Goras Village. These include fishing together to find […]