Our Activity

On April 15, 2023, Melam Hilli Elementary School held a chili plant cultivation activity involving homeroom teachers and students. This activity is part of a program mandated by the Acting Regent (Pj.) of Jayapura through the Department of Education. The objective of this activity is to encourage schools to utilize the school garden as an […]

On March 15, 2023, the Nusantara Sejati Foundation (YNS) visited Atamali State Elementary School in Khameyakha Village, Ebungfauw District, Jayapura Regency. The school is a “branch school” or a distant class from SDN Inpres Khameyakha, consisting of three classes (grades 1, 2, and 3) taught by one teacher, Mrs. Maria Kabei. The number of students […]

On January 30th and 31st, 2023, SDN Impres Kameyakha held a training for teachers and school principals, accompanied by relevant facilitators. This training aims to improve teachers’ understanding of Project-Based Learning. “The Importance of a Correct Understanding of Project-Based Learning” This training is important to ensure that teachers have a correct understanding of Project-Based Learning. […]

This activity aims to provide opportunities for children to try new ideas, with new ways of thinking. This is not solely related to the “new” product produced by children, but also the process of a creative expression. The creation by utilizing the leaves of this plant is a development of what has been done by […]

To facilitate the learning process, students of SD Tablanusu, Jayapura Regency utilize learning media from the environment around the school. Identify some existing leaves, stick, write down the names of the leaves, as well as present their work. This learning process is carried out in small groups. In the process of learning, it can be […]