Elementary school students at Rumah Pintar, Kampung Babo – West Papua, are creative in making “Batik” stamps by utilizing the leaves of plants that are around the Rumpin

This activity aims to provide opportunities for children to try new ideas, with new ways of thinking. This is not solely related to the “new” product produced by children, but also the process of a creative expression. The creation by utilizing the leaves of this plant is a development of what has been done by […]
Tablanusu Elementary School students, Kab. Jayapura Utilizes Learning Media from the Surrounding Environment

To facilitate the learning process, students of SD Tablanusu, Jayapura Regency utilize learning media from the environment around the school. Identify some existing leaves, stick, write down the names of the leaves, as well as present their work. This learning process is carried out in small groups. In the process of learning, it can be […]
Learning activities for the YNS-assisted Rumpin (Smart House) children in Babo Village, Kab. Teluk Bintuni, West Papua

On September 21, 2022, the children of Rumpin (Rumah Pintar) carried out learning activities to color pictures in a new and interesting way. Usually the children color the pictures with colored markers or pencils. In this activity, the children color their drawing paper in different ways. They use a number of natural colored materials found […]